Different Methods to Control the Invasion of Ants
Every now and then, you can spot tiny little ants roaming around in your homes or offices and getting rid of them gets added to your list of daily chores. It is very easy for them to invade your home and attack any available food items. An ant infestation is usually identified by noticing large numbers of ants trailing to or from edible sources in your home. Though there are many chemical ant repellents available on the market, there are certain home remedies too that can help in indoor ant control.
Let us discuss some indoor ant control methods to reduce their invasion.
Find the source
Instead of killing the ants instantly, try to find out the source from where they are coming from by following their trail. Killing can only control an invasion for a short period, but it is important to find their origin to get rid of them permanently.
Know the species of ants
Knowing the species of ants that are causing a problem in your houses or workplaces is a very important step as it will help you in identifying their nesting preferences and the food items that are attracting them. The most useful way of indoor ant control is to locate and destroy the nests of the ants but it can be done only when you have enough idea about different species of ants.
Seal the cracks or spaces
Using a latex caulk or filler seal the exterior cracks or holes in your homes from where ants can enter easily. If you do not have any caulk available, then you can also apply some petroleum jelly on that area to prevent an invasion.
Proper sanitation
Following good sanitation practices is a great way to make your home less attractive to ants. Any food source can attract ants to your home. So, it is advised to always keep your kitchen clean and always remove food wastes, crumbs, and spillages. Also, do not keep food uncovered for a long period of time. Store all food especially sweets in tight-sealed containers. Seal the waste bags properly and always cover the dustbins.
Keep vegetation in control
General vegetation around the premises of your home or office should always be kept under control to aid. Always make sure that the trees and bushes around your home should not be touching the building, gutter or sewages and always cut the overhanging branches.
Natural remedies for indoor ant control
Ant repellents or pesticides have a bad odor and can also have a negative impact on the environment and sometimes your health too. These repellents can travel far distances, by flowing with the rainwater into nearby waters or seeping through the soil into the ground. Insecticides are considered as the most harmful and toxic pesticide to the environment. Here are some great natural remedies to eradicate the ant invasion without harming the environment.
The acid present in lemon destroys the ant’s smelling sense. Spray a lemon water solution around your home and rub the lemon slices along the base of doors, windows, and cracks in the walls to prevent ants from getting inside.
Try to identify the ant entrance and pour a line of cinnamon there or sprinkle it around your garden and window sills. You can also use cinnamon essential oils. It will spread a nice fragrance in your home and also keep away the ants.
Draw outlines with chalk around the cracks and openings of the house like doors and window sill. Chalk has calcium carbonate which repels ants to cross the chalk line.
Cornmeal disrupts the digestion of ants and can also kill them. Sprinkle cornmeal around the boundaries of your home and also outside. Also, spray some in the ant’s nest.
Mop the floors and clean the kitchen slabs with vinegar and water solution to erase the trail of ants. Sprinkle this solution in the ant’s nest, near baseboards and also around the cracks and openings of your home.
Protein and grease
Some ants like protein and grease. Make a mixture of a spoonful of peanut butter with 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of borax. Take a plastic straw and tap the end of it into the mixture repeatedly until the straw gets filled with the mixture completely. After that, Cut the straw into ½ inch pieces and put them next to ant trails.
An invasion can be easily controlled by following the observation, elimination and prevention methods. Try the mentioned methods to prevent ant invasion in your homes. All these methods and natural remedies are easy to follow and can surely help in blocking the ant’s way of invasion.