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Dental Care Tips Older People Should Follow

With better dental care and advanced procedures, people retain their teeth through senior years. Another critical reason is the association of gum diseases with serious conditions like stroke and heart trouble.

Here are a few age-related issues that one needs to be aware of and tips to ensure good oral health for seniors over 60.

  • Dry mouth – This condition might be a result of age-related changes in the body but is mostly reported in people undertaking certain medications. Many commonly used medications have shown to cause dry mouth. As saliva kills bacteria and aids in enamel creation, lack of it gives rise to a host of oral health problems.
Dental Care Tips Older People Should Follow
  • Tooth decay – It is mostly caused by a receding gum line. The roots of teeth get exposed to decay-causing acids. The roots tend to decay faster than the crown as they do not have an enamel to protect them.
  • Gum disease – A lot of age-related problems and diseases can lead to gum diseases. But the most common contributor is plaque and food particles left in the teeth.
  • Tooth loss – Gum disease is a major reason for tooth loss.
  • Loss of taste – With age, the sense of taste does get diminished, but a major cause can be age-related dental problems too.
  • All these and more problems make oral care tips for older adults to be practiced religiously, in addition to following a good oral hygiene routine.

    Crucial dental care tips for older adults

    Hydration (to avoid dry mouth) – Seniors tend to visit the restrooms more often. This can lead to a lower intake of water. To avoid a dry mouth, keep yourself adequately hydrated. Dental care tips do not include this generally, but it is crucial for people over 60 to keep hydrated. Your doctor can suggest an alternative to avoid a dry mouth. You can also chew a gum (sugar-free), reduce consumption of alcohol and too much caffeine.

    Oral hygiene –  This is one of the most repeated dental care tips and it becomes even more important with advancing age. Brushing your teeth twice daily followed by flossing at least once a day is going to keep your teeth in good stead for a good number of years. Oral hygiene tips for seniors also means paying more attention to cleaning their gum line.

    Fluoridation – Most kinds of kinds of toothpaste have fluoride, but if you have not been using one with it, switch. Start using toothpaste that has fluoride or you may also start using a fluoride rinse.

    Lower sugar intake – An excess amount of sugar consumption can lead to tooth decay. You should also take care to stay away from sugary drinks, especially soft drinks, as they are acidic and the acid can wear down your teeth enamel.

    Dentist’s visits – Most repeated advice amongst the dental care tips you hear is regularly visiting your dentist. And with old age, it becomes all the more crucial you do so. This will ensure you get your teeth cleaned by a professional regularly and have a heads up on any dental trouble.

    The content of the articles discussing symptoms, treatments, health conditions, and side effects is solely intended for informational purposes. It is imperative that readers do not interpret the information provided on the website as professional advice. Readers are requested to use their discretion and refrain from treating the suggestions or opinions provided by the writers and editors as medical advice. It is important to seek the help of licensed and expert healthcare professionals when necessary.
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