Cheapest cities to rent an apartment
Looking for an apartment to rent is one of the major challenges you face when you are new to the city. Apartment prices will depend on a number of factors like area, the neighborhoods around, construction and more. but not all apartments prices are sky high, in fact here are five cities where you can rent apartments starting at just under $550 on an average monthly basis.
Detroit, Michigan: Apart from the cost of making some minor changes and renovations to the apartment you are trying to rent, Detroit homes can certainly be rented for cheap. The monthly median rent ranges on an average between $550 to $560.
Shreveport, Louisiana: Probably one of the cheapest cities in the State of Louisiana, since it offers the lowest real estate tax rates in the country. The cost of purchasing a home is very expensive here, but the average monthly home rent is just under $578 with a cost of living standard which is a little less than that of Detroit.
Akron, Ohio: The city which his also know as the rubber capital on account of the rubber tire industry which manufactured most of the country’s stock.
Birmingham, Alabama: The largest city in Alabama, but houses only 60% of the population compared to what the number was back in the day. This has helped boost real estate where the demand is low and thus prices are within budget, for both purchasing and renting for that matter. The monthly median rent is just under $520 which makes it a cheap place to live.
Buffalo, New York: In New York city, you might just get a decent apartment for an average of $1000 a month. But here in Buffalo, you can easily afford a decent place for almost half the price. The cost of living standard is right around that of Shreveport, but that doesn’t majorly affect the price of renting apartments and the median range is right around $512.
There a number of cities where you can rent a decent apartment for less than $550 dollars.