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Brain Cancer: An Introduction

As one can probably imagine, brain cancer is a complex diagnosis. While there are many types of brain cancer, this article will focus on primary brain cancer. The diagnosis of brain cancer can be very scary, but it is important to remember that no two cases are identical. It is essential that you contact your doctor as soon as you may suspect you are at risk.

A clear distinction between the two major types of cancers that can occur in the brain can be made. There are primary brain cancers that originate within the brain and have the possibility of spreading to other areas of the body.

Brain Cancer: An Introduction
Then there are primary cancers that originate in a variety of areas in the body and spread to the brain, at this point, making the brain the secondary location of the cancer. These types of brain cancer are known as secondary brain cancer. Determining the type will inevitably indicate the staging of the cancer, and the mortality associated with the cancer. The focus of this article will be on primary brain cancer, wherein the cancer originated in the brain.

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