Best Treatment Options for Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic skin condition and is also a common type of eczema. It is naturally characterized by dry skin with persistent itching, which when not treated, can lead to very serious skin infections. Therefore, finding a good prevention and treatment plan for atopic dermatitis is essential for managing skin-related symptoms and maintaining a higher quality of life.
While there is no definite cure for atopic dermatitis but there are different treatment options, which we will discuss in the following context:
The most effective yet simplest atopic dermatitis treatment is to relieve the dry skin with the help of moisturizers.

- Lotions are a mixture of water and oil that easily spreads on your skin and are considered to be the lightest moisturizers, which are extremely effective for the treatment. But for severe atopic dermatitis, the lotion is not a good choice as the water in the lotion evaporates quickly, leaving behind the skin dry.
- While on the other hand, a cream is a semisolid mixture of oil and water with the oil content being more than that of lotion, thus making it more emollient than lotion.
Topical Steroids
For short-term treatment, topical corticosteroids such as low-strength hydrocortisone creams are available at most medical or grocery stores. Applying hydrocortisone immediately after moisturizing your skin is one of the most effective atopic dermatitis treatment options.
Oral Antihistamines
Oral antihistamines can act as an effective treatment option to manage the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. However, oral antihistamines are not generally recommended as a standalone treatment but it can temporarily give you relief from your dry skin and itching caused by atopic dermatitis.
Phototherapy refers to the treatment with light such as narrowband ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) light, which is the most common form of phototherapy for this treatment. It can be a good second-line option for treating atopic dermatitis if the standard treatments are not working for someone. One needs to receive this treatment two to three times per week to get better results.
You can opt for any of the aforementioned atopic dermatitis treatment options. However, it is strongly recommended that you consult your medical professional before proceeding with any line of treatment. You can also check out the atopic dermatitis pictures online to know more about the disease and its symptoms.