All About Treadmills
All about treadmills
The traditionally used butter churning equipment has today been developed into a medically used exercising equipment. Treadmills are exercising machines made to help run or walk at a single place. The origin of the word can be found from the mill operated by humans or animals by the use of treading motion on the step of a wheel to grind in order to make flour out of grains.
What is the history behind the existence of the treadmill?
- The existence of the treadmill goes right up to the first century AD, when a treadmill was used by the ancient Romans for manipulating heavy articles.

What are the various components of treadmills?
- Treadmills have a conveyor belt, which is what the user runs or walks on. The conveyor belt should be wide and long enough to support comfortable use for any stride. While in use, it moves toward the rear side of the equipment. This enables the user to walk or jog in the other direction. Depending upon the speed of the conveyor belt, the user will walk or run.
Over the years, what is the main aim for the development and evolution of treadmills?
- Over the last 50 years, treadmills have gone through several changes and have been developed to provide assistance to people shy to go on a regular walk or a jog in front of outsiders beyond the comfort of their homes.
- Also, treadmills have been developed in order to eliminate weather hindrance, such as rain, from obstructing a person’s workout routine.
- Hence, it can be concluded that treadmills were developed keeping in mind that an individual should be able to have a regular workout and a fit body without any external elements affecting the exercise time.
What are the different types of treadmills available nowadays?
- Manual treadmill : Such type of treadmills work on roller-based tread belts when a person runs or walks on them. These treadmills do not function on electricity. In the market of treadmills, these manual treadmills are considered to be the least expensive and also the lightest treadmills. The features present in these treadmills are minimum. These treadmills are less sturdy as compared to the other treadmills and come with a narrow belt. Therefore, to avoid the incidence of falling, these type of treadmills are best suited for walking.
- Motorized treadmills : An electric motor drives the rotating belt of a motorized treadmill. These motorized treadmills are much sturdier as compared to manual treadmills and offer a better experience during walking and running workouts. These type of treadmills are packed with several features. The only drawback of this kind of treadmills is that they are expensive and consume a lot of space as compared to manual treadmills.
- Hybrid treadmills : The combination of the design of a motorized treadmill with that of an elliptical machine is known as a hybrid treadmill. These are popularly known as treadles. They provide a belted motion of a treadmill, along with the design of the duo foot track of a stepper. These kinds of treadmills provide a semicircular movement.
While buying a treadmill, what are the various factors that a buyer should consider?
- Most treadmills are stationary; however, it is best to know whether the treadmill that one wishes to purchase can be folded or not to facilitate easy storage.
- It is also necessary to consider the weight of the users who would be using the treadmill to workout.
- Also, an individual must consider the size of the treadmill to purchase.
- The performance of treadmills largely depends upon the range of speed provided and the inclination options it offers. Therefore, it is important for an individual to consider these factors before buying a treadmill.
- The quality of cushioning of treadmills should also be considered by the buyer in order to see whether the cushion is sufficient to provide the required comfort level for a person while exercising.